Tuesday, February 19, 2013

While You Wait

February 19, 2013

It is something when you have to wait for your mate.  I know that many of you get very frustrated during this period.  What you do during this time, determines what happens when he/she gets there.  You see, when you posture yourself to win, you usually do.  This, in this case, requires patience and action at the same time.  There are many things that you need to be doing in your own life so that you are absolutely whole when that person shows up.  If you are a gossiper, you need to get that fixed.  How can  person trust you if they watch you do things and say things about others around him or others?  If you are a hoarder, then you need to clean house.  If you have money issues, get that cleaned up before he/she gets there.  This is a great time for you to get you together and be ready for the arrival of your gift.  The reason for the wait season is so that you will know who it is when they arrive.  With the things that you need to work on looming over you, then your mind could be clouded if you are not prepared.  Don't get frustrated in your wait season.  Get to know YOU better and position yourself to win.


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