Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Your Finish Is Closer Than You Think

May 15, 2013

Have you ever been in a race and about 50 yards before you finish, you just feel that you can't go on so you quit?  Have you heard others say "I don't see how you are going to get that done" and you start to feel even more tired at the end of your project?  This is because at the end of a thing, you just get tired.  You can see the finish line but it seems so far away.  Life is designed to throw you curve balls that make you quit.  It is set up for you to fail.  You are the only one that can dispel that myth.  You have to somehow dig a little deeper and push to the finish.  I know, you lost your job, kid got kicked out of school, no money to pay the bills.  All of these things are real life situations that could cause anyone to quit.  But this is when you have to take a deep breath and say, I will finish.  You have to stay up a little later, get up a little earlier or just do whatever it takes to get it done.  No one is going to hand success to you.  You have to go get it.  Your drive has to be towards making things happen and not waiting for them to happen.  Excuses surely will not get it done.  Only perseverance will.  You have to keep moving and mastering the majors, not majoring in the minors.  You have to know your value to command the heavens to open up for you and help you finish the course.  Only the strong survive.  Be strong and go forth.  After all, if you don't finish you will never know if you could have!


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