November 15, 2013
Say what is on your mind but at the right time means don't be so quick to express your self just to be heard. Make sure that what you have to say is justified and done at the right time. Sure, you may have a point that needs to be heard, but don't always be the one that has to be out right mean with it. You see motive runs parallel with karma. With the wrong spirit behind what you say and do, it will come back to haunt you. If you do the right thing, then when the time is right your point will always be heard. It will always show itself worthy of others to hear. I learned a long time ago, that the one in the room with the most wisdom, is very quiet. Wisdom does not have to make any noise for you to know it is there. WISDOM JUST IS!!! Never fight wisdom, take in what it has to offer. Never try to show yourself more knowledgeable, because you will only fall on your face. Embrace wisdom, because in the long run you will stand tall like it does with your roots planted firmly underground. The further your roots grow, the more you are built to handle without being shaken. Observe more than you speak and you will learn more than you know. Your future depends on it...
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