Saturday, June 16, 2012

Let It Rain

June 16, 2012

You know so many times we complain about things without really thinking about their meaning.  An example of this is having a headache for instance.  Believe it or not, this is a signal from the body that something is going on.  We have to welcome the signs that the body presents to let us know that we should keep a close watch on what we are possibly doing to jeopardize its proper functioning.  The warning is priceless.  The way the human body is designed is amazing.  Another example is the rain.  In a drought we pray for rain, but when it comes we complain.  We don't want out hair wet, our clothes to be soaked and heaven forbid our freshly washed car gets wet.  When the truth is that without it, EVERYTHING would suffer.  Nature would dry up, the animals would be harmed and the simplest commodity, FOOD, would be a problem.  Face it, the world and everything in it depends heavily on water. Learn to appreciate all things you find time to complain about, because in there lies PURPOSE.  Join me and get the best out of your life...LET IT RAIN!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Good morning, it's funny that you speak of headache, I just got over one yesterday and I know that it's attributed to me working long hours with no rest. Even though I see the purpose in what I'm doing, I still have to take time out to find my balance. Have a wonderful week and I continue to look forward to your morning posts.
