Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Just When You Think It's Over

October 8, 2013

Just when you think it is over, God does something spectacular.  It is not easy waiting for your blessings.  Believe me I know.  Some things come quickly and others seem like forever.  The key to surviving the wait is to get excited, thank Him ahead of time and to wait patiently for it.  Storms will come and everything will not be a cake walk during your wait.  But don't lose sight of the prize that you have been promised.  I am talking about the things that you have been granted permission to expect.  Those blessings are waiting in the wings for due season.  My attitude now on things are so very different than my beginnings.  I have grown much wiser and more patient.  I know that all that I have been waiting for is on its way or has already arrived.  I don't get ahead of God to get what I desire because the outcome of early movement can have heavy consequences.  You pay a price for moving too fast.  His will is what I want for my life and I am not willing to compromise anymore.  I want to get it right the first time.  When you learn to let go and let God, life just gets better and better.  He keeps good books of your past wait.


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