Monday, October 15, 2012

Let The Blessings Fall

October 14, 2012

When blessings are from God, they fall before you.  You do not have to chase them.  Things that go along with the blessings just begin to line up and come to you in order.  That does not mean that you will not have to work them, it just simply means that you will have access to all that you'll need at the time that you need it.  He is so particular to put things in place for you to not have to stress over anything.  Work and stress are two different things.  Your time and effort WILL have to be used for the success of the thing, but you will not have to labor in vain or depend on people for it to work.  He will put all that you are looking for at your finger tips.  When you are chasing blessings, you tend to get distracted and confused as what you should be doing.  You become agitated and our of sync with your own rhythm.  It is very frustrating and before you know it you will quit on yourself.  YOU will let YOU down because you're out of order and can't complete your original mission.  So align yourself with the universe, believe what you ask for and be ready to receive the blessings when they come.


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