Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Who Is Seated In Your Inner Circle

January 30, 2013

It is really ok to clean out your dead weight friendships.  I know that this is a statement that could shock some of you, but it's true.  When relationships become a burden then they are truly not healthy.  It takes a very mature person to recognize and admit that it is necessary when that time comes.  When your  brain is filed with things (or people) that no longer motivate you to grow and surely does not add to your growth, you have to recognize it for what it is.  Friendships are to make you shine, make you stronger.  You are a reflection of the people that you surround yourself with.  If people that you have merely tolerated begin to wear you out and they are in the same place that they were in 10 years ago, then free that seat in your circle.  It is no crime and no one is going to die because they are no longer in your inner circle of friendship.  This could be why you are not moving.  Your season could just be finished.  Don't let another opportunity go by and you have not dealt with the obvious.  If you want different results, you have to do something different.  After it is all said and done, only you will be able to take account for what you did or did not do with you life while you were here.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome post you are so inspiring!! Keep doing what your doing :)
