Thursday, November 14, 2013

See What U Want It To Be...

November 14, 2013

In order to reach real success in life, you must see what you want a thing to be before you get it.  There is no way in the world you can make it to the finish line if you have not already finished in your mind before the race even started.  People ask me all of the time, how do I keep moving from one great thing to the next.  My answer for them is always the same.  I dreamed this 30 years ago and put it on the schedule to make it happen.  You see, the bible is plain when it says, write the vision down and make it plain.  It means just what it says.  When you write a thing down, you begin to meditate on it and you then work towards it coming to pass.  It is like making your daily schedule.  For the most part, you get everything on your written list done.  For those things that you don't get to, you get them done first the next day.  Look at life the same way.  Get it done.  The list is to help guide you and get you to what you dreamed about.  This is important.  Not only do you have what you say,  you have what you see in your vision of where you want to be also.  All of the things I have, I saw in my clearest vision first.  I never stopped dreaming even though it took however long to get there.  I KNEW that it was a part of my destiny and I EXPECTED it to show up.  It works the same with negative stuff too.  Don't keep saying that you are sick because eventually you will be.  Don't claim broke because you will be just that.  See yourself doing great things and you will achieve greatness!  You have heard it a million, you have what you say.  Now the question is, when will you start believing it...


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