Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Be Thankful

November 27, 2012

Preparation is the key to all that you do.  Although you may be a genius, you must have a plan.  Take some time to sit down and write out the outline.  Your blueprint charts your course.  It is the travel plan to life's destiny for you.  When I say this, I mean down to life's smallest things.  Success is in the details.    Before I understood this, I made so many costly mistakes.  I relied on my memory to keep me going and didn't realize that when there is so much information going in at different times, it is a little harder for the brain to disseminate the proper orders at the right times if there is not a plan.  Things happen throughout the course of your daily journeys that make it impossible to remember all that you need when you need it.  We should never get to comfortable that we leave life to chance, EVER.  With a plan in place, we can pretty much attack problems before their arrival.  Preparation gives us the edge over chance.  It is like the old adage says, if you fail to prepare then prepare to fail.


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