Tuesday, February 12, 2013

How Do I Get Him To Talk

February 12, 2013

Ok ladies.  I am getting many letters asking me to discuss relationships more.  This week I am going to do just that.  It seems that a lot of women are just giving up on their mates.  Well, let me tell you, non of this is easy.  Nothing in life worth having is easy.  You have to learn how to get him to talk.  This is no easy feat in some cases.  A man is just a bottled up being and they do not like to spill their true feelings. The way to make that happen is to simply LISTEN!!  Both of you cannot talk at the same time.  WE have to provide the safe haven for them to express themselves.  I had to learn to wait on some of the things that I felt that I just had to say.  When you press too hard, they close up and it is a long time before they come forward again.  Communicating is not you talking all the time.  Communicating is a two way conversation.  One has to speak while the other one listens.  You cannot have him to ever think that you don't care about how they truly feel or they will just walk away and SPEAK TO THE ONE WHO IS LISTENING.  Why would you do all of the pre-work for someone else to benefit from your efforts.  The whole key to growing together is for you to never become divided.  This is what the bible means when it says "What God puts together, let no man put asunder".  Don't continually work in your relationship to be DIVIDED.  Work on becoming one.  Work at being his best friend not his hated enemy.  I assure you that there is someone waiting to pick up right where you leave off, EVERY TIME!!!!!!


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